​"I have a pretty high threshold for physical pain, but mental and emotional pain
is so much worse to deal with. Libby has shared the tools to replace negative thoughts
with positive ones, to identify saboteurs when they inevitably make their way into our minds, and turn any problem or challenge into a gift or opportunity.
The sooner you make the choice to work with Resonate Coaching,
the sooner you will be a more relaxed, happier person."
Eric Toscano
Founder & CEO
Tenant Law Group, PC

Meet Your
Mental Fitness Coach

Hi! I'm Libby (she/her)
I understand how you feel when you're stressed & stuck.
I'm a business owner too, an entrepreneur with big
dreams. I founded and facilitated an innovative spiritual community for a decade. It's my sole goal now to help creative leaders be Mentally Strong in every action.
When it comes to over-thinking, self-criticism and worry: I've been there, done that & got the t-shirt!
It sucks. You're not the only one.
I've eliminated that stress and found my clarity and helped hundreds of others do the same.​​
Eight years spanning hundreds of hours tenaciously
coaching entrepreneurs & visionaries like you
to get your self-trust back -
International Coaching Federation Member
Coaches Network of the P.C.USA's
1001 New Worshiping Communities

Here's How You Get
Mentally Strong

Book a Free Call
Over 45 minutes
we will take a
deep dive into your
Saboteur Assessment

Train Your Brain
Show up for yourself
in the Mental Fitness Gym
and stack great
mental habits

Unlock your
Mental Fitness
Super Power
Be a better:
- Business Owner
- Romantic Partner,
Parent, Friend
- Human
Stop wasting energy on self-doubt & stress
At Resonate Coaching we know that you want to be a successful business owner and visionary and leader who lives a life of ease and flow in the middle of whatever life throws at you.
To do that, you need to trust yourself in every business and creative decision.
The problem is you're over-thinking those decisions which makes you feel exhausted by analysis paralysis. If you're not careful, you get stuck on the worst-case scenario roller coaster.
We believe your brain should work with you, not against you.
That's why we've accumulated hundreds of hours helping
entrepreneurs like you to get unstuck from self-doubt
and eliminate mental stressors.
Here's how you do it:
1. Book a Session
2. Train Your Brain
3. Unlock Your Mental Fitness Superpower
Take the deep dive today and book your free 45 minute call
so you can stop wasting energy on self-doubt and stress.

Download your free guide
Because you don't have to do it alone.
Train Your Brain
Resonate Coaching Services
All you gotta do is show up and say yes...
We have you covered.
(Libby has ninja-level Mental Fitness skills to share with you)

1:1 Mental Fitness Coaching
The Saboteur Absorber Experience
is unparalleled in its ability to show you, step-by-step, how to show up for yourself and re-train those pesky saboteurs that try to keep you down. This is where the magic happens. Brain drain reversed into Brain charger.

Mental Fitness Workshops
Lead a team? Need to change the culture from one of drama and stagnancy to rowing in the same direction? Let Resonate Coaching provide workshops on how to turn negative-nancys into sage-brained-sebastians.

Premium Mental Fitness
Concierge Service
This is for the folks who are ready to over-haul the whole kit and caboodle. You're ready to go from couch-potato to personally empowered in all the ways that matter: self, business, social, emotional & physical
Eric Toscano
Founder & CEO
Tenant Law Group, PC
"Mental Fitness Coaching has shown me how to avoid wasting mental and emotional energy on stress/worry by finding the gift in the most challenging of situations. It has made me a better entrepreneur, husband, and father."
Art Boatright
Mobile Concrete
"Resonate Coaching and working with Libby specifically have given me the confidence and patience to face my problems that have plagued me for my entire working career of 45+ years. I feel like I have been granted a super power. When I just didn’t have the answers and I felt like nothing would change, I now know it can and it does. I just can’t thank Resonate Coaching enough!"
Rola Al Ashkar
llama Yoga
“Coaching Changed My Life. I will always carry with me my experience at Resonate Coaching and how it led me to change my fear-based life around and look for a new love-based life. I will carry the lesson with me forever because I have it tattooed on my forearm."